jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

video games a part of your life

I am going to talk about some video games like: minecraft, zelda ocarina of time, portals.

any way let's star with minecraft one of the games that I can assimilate with my early childronhood because it's like playing lego, it is a game that only uses blocks but there are other forms like the diamonds and the minerals and the items that help you, well the house in the picture is my house
,it is a house that I made from  my own work but it make the point that every videogame needs, it is to distract people, to help the to time past fast but there is a game that you get tired to fast so don't play this game so often because is easy to get bored or mad in a few hours.
This is the second game that I'm checking because it is my favorite yeah im talking of zelda ocarina of time I know that some people was espectating to say any other game but I put this one because it is impotant to me the reason is because this game was the first game I won, but this blog is about games so I am reviwn the game it has a intresting history because you'r a sad kid that never had a fairy  but a day a magic and powerfull tree send a fairy to help him in his adventure and then you got to star finding out a lot of secrets an throug the history and the land you will understand why this game is so awesome, in conclusion with the ability of time travelling the game is one omy favorites.

and the last but not less important portals one of the best games i have ever play because like in zelda you  got to use your brain  and is good for you not only because you need your brain active it is because the power of imagination that you need to go thougt the game and when you reach the end you fell awesome because you know the feling of wining someting that you tried a lot to reach that point, so my opinion this game reache the point that I want to play again, it have good grafics, and it is short so you can pass this game in a day or less